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Wednesday, April 27, 2016


I like maps. It occurred to me that I haven't actually posted any. Briefly, these are the routes of my bike trips. The United States took a little under six months in 2012, and New Zealand was only five weeks in late 2014.
For the most part, the blue marks were places I found interesting or noteworthy. Even with the sparsity of markers between Sand Diego and Dallas, I did enjoy most of it. There just wasn't much out there.

The red marks are the places I would have liked to reach. I ran out of time and wasn't able to explore the bottom half of the South Island. That leaves something for next time.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Back in Alaska-small update

I made it home for Christmas in December. In mid January I was offered a job a City Hall and took it. It's nice to be back working. All the traveling drains the savings account pretty quick. I am already making plans to head out again. There is more of the ocean to be explored. Robert Service wrote a poem called "Wanderlust" and it comes to mind fairly often these days.

I am training for another marathon. The last one was pretty slow, so I am trying to scape off the extra hour that really shouldn't have been there. About eight weeks left. I ran 17 miles yesterday with a couple friends. My knees are showing their age plus a few years. I have a few more long runs and lots of shorter ones on my schedule over the next two months.

Nome Sunset January 2016
Spring hit Nome about a month early this year. The ice is rotten and is starting to break off. Almost all the snow is gone and dust covers everything. Warmer weather makes running quite a bit easier. I've dropped about five pounds of cold weather gear. Running in wind pants, several top layers, and a face mask is always challenging.