1) Find glow worms
Waitomo Glow Worm Caves south of Hamilton on the North Island.
2) Pet a sheep
Commander Cody of Glen Hope on the South Island. He thinks he's a dog.
3) Take a boat around the fjords in the south west corner of the South Island
Sadly, I did not make it to the fjords. I suppose it is best to leave something for the next trip!
4) Find a kiwi and a kakapo bird
I found them both, although not quite in the form I was hoping. I found the kiwi in the Wellington zoo and the kakapo in the Australian Museum. The kakapo is not extinct yet, but their numbers are extremely low. (Read Douglas Adams' Last Chance to See for a good narrative on the kakapo.)
5) Visit Hobbiton
When it came to it, I chose to pass by Hobbiton. I realized that most of New Zealand looks like the Shire.
Road side south of Pukakohe.
6) Climb Mount Doom (Mount Ngauruhoe on the North Island)
Alas, I was defeated by weather. I will challenge the mountain another day.
7) Drink wine at local vineyards (plural)
Cheers! Point conquered and then some.
8) Swim in Lake Tuapo
I did not swim. The weather was too cold to allow for a comfortable swim. Instead I sat in a warm cafe and drank tea while looking at the water. Close enough.
9) Visit Maori rock carvings
I took a boat from Taupo out onto Lake Taupo. Tour groups go out regularly.
There are so many wonderful things to see and do in New Zealand. I made this list to try to see a few local high lights. They were interesting, but I find the unexpected parts of traveling to be the best.